The purpose of these streaming video files is to act as a visual reminder and memory aid for course members who have successfully completed a Level One or Two course.

The practice of the strategies displayed within these files should only be conducted with the supervision and support of a qualified Team Teach trainer maintaining valid certification.

To ensure the full support of Team Teach into any investigation of staff practice in this area it is vital that staff use, when circumstances are appropriate, responses/techniques that they have been authorised, trained and certified in. Evidence of such knowledge, skill and understanding should be available and kept by both the lead Team Teach trainer delivering the training and the employer. It is the employers (Local then Corporate) Occupational Health & Safety responsibility to keep staff updated and qualified in this area. Employees too share such an Occupational Health & Safety responsibility and may need to give their employer a gentle nudge! (gradual and graded of course!)

I understand, accept and agree to work within the statements above.